The gene that encodes the enzyme called tyrosine | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

The gene that encodes the enzyme called tyrosine hydroxylase is known to be up regulated by the CREB protein.  Tyrosine hydroxylase is expressed in nerve cells and is involved in the synthesis of catecholamine, a neurotransmitter.  The expose of cells to adrenaline normally up regulates the transcription of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene.  A mutant cell line was identified in which the tyrosine hydroxylase gene was NOT up regulated when exposed to adrenaline.  List all the possible mutations that could explain this defect.  How would you explain the defect if only the tyrosine hydroxylase gene was not up regulated by the CREB protein, whereas other genes having CREs were properly up regulated in response to adrenaline in this cell line? 

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