The negative impact of materialism on the economy discussion Topic?The negative impact of materialism on the economy must have thesis statement in the fir | Homework Answers

The negative impact of materialism on the economy discussion Topic?The negative impact of materialism on the economy

must have thesis statement in the first Paragraph

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The negative impact of materialism on the economy discussion Topic?The negative impact of materialism on the economy must have thesis statement in the fir | Homework Answers
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Synthesis Paper Rubric

Learning Outcomes:

locate and evaluate sources, through library research, and integrate research through appropriate citation and quotation;
present effective arguments that use a full range of legitimate rhetorical and logical strategies to articulate and explain their positions on complex issues in dialogue with other points of view;
locate, interpret, evaluate, and synthesize evidence in a comprehensive way in support of your ideas;
identify and critically evaluate the assumptions in and the context of an argument;
distinguish and convey inductive and deductive patterns as appropriate, sequencing arguments and evidence logically to draw valid conclusions and articulate related outcomes (implications and consequences).


Points Possible

Points Earned

Has identified a clear theme they will use to relate the articles (Thesis/Purpose statement).


Quotes/Paraphrases at least 3 articles. – needs to support ideas

No excessively long quotes (2 sentences MAX)


Relates the articles to each other (does not stack quotes from one article).

Makes clear points but is concise


Paper is well formatted into paragraphs (Headings optional).


Has a MLA bibliography at the end of the paper in ALPHABETICAL order

Properly formatted


Grammar and Punctuation:

Spell Check!
Proof Read
Double spaced
Appropriate sentence length – a variety of lengths used.
Academic Language
1000 Word MAX






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