The urine production is monitored for many hours | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Q1. In a laboratory experiment with three groups, one group of people drinks pure water, the second drinks an equal amount of beer and third group drinks an equal amount of concentrated salt solution all through the same period. The urine production is monitored for many hours. At the end of the measurement period, which group will have produced the greatest volume of urine and which group the minimum? Describe your answer in details.

Q2. Consider a cell that can usually grow either with or without oxygen. You too have a mutated strain of this same cell type. In a mutated strain, citrate synthetase is present in a mutated form. The enzyme till convert’s reactant normally to product but no allosteric molecules can bind the allosteric site. In the absence of oxygen, will the mutated cell make less more or the same ATP than the normal cell? How about in presence of oxygen?

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