theater 2 Realism and Departures | Get Quick Solution

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You will choose one topic from the list below and write a three to five paragraph summary. You will need to do some research. Add a photo (and a personal reaction) if you would like. If there is nothing in the list of postings that appeals to you, contact me with your ideas for an additional topic and I will make it happen. If you are quoting from some source somewhere, make sure to include a “Sources Cited” page or something to that effect.

Here are some topics…

1. Briefly describe and explain the life and times of Henrik Ibsen.

2. Briefly describe and explain Anton Chekov’s impact on Russian literature.

3. Briefly describe and explain the impact that the Group Theatre had on acting, theatre and film here in the United States.

4. If Eugene O’Neill died in 1953, how was he able to publish a play in 1957?

5. Can naturalism even truly be done on a stage for theatre? Defend your opinion.

6. Symbolism and Expressionism had an impact on early cinema. Briefly describe and explain any of the classic early expressionistic films.

7. Summarize any one of Bertolt Brecht’s plays and explain what the source material is for the play and how that play has been traditionally staged. (This isn’t as hard as it sounds…)

8. Summarize any one of Eugene O’Neill’s plays (except Long Days Journey Into Night) and discuss the critical reaction to the initial productions.

9. Someone please try to explain to me what the hell The Theatre of Cruelty was all about..


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