Theology class. Questions based off a book stated. | Get Quick Solution

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Theology class. Questions based off a book stated. | Get Quick Solution
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Please develop an essay for each of the essay questions below. You will need a minimum of 150 words per essay response. I have extended the time until 10:00 p.m. due Thursday, June 18th. Assignment is open.

1. According to Chapter One “Human Faith” of Faith, Religion & Theology, define and give examples of human faith as a developmental reality. In doing so discuss the first task of human developmental faith and how belief is differentiated from faith.

2. Delineate and define, and give examples of the three mechanics of religion according to Chapter Six ofFaith, Religion & Theology. In contrast define and discuss religious fundamentalism according to Chapter 10 of the same text.

3. Define and discuss the product and process of theology according to Chapter 9 of Faith, Religion & Theology, paying particular attention to what is essential to theological reflection. In contrast define and discuss religious fundamentalism according to Chapter 10 of the same text.


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