​There are THREE parts to the assignment. Part one is a question and answer format with 100 words per answer and part two is a question and answer with 150 words per answer part three is essay with 210 words. | Get Quick Solution

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​There are THREE parts to the assignment. Part one is a question and answer format with 100 words per answer and part two is a question and answer with 150 words per answer part three is essay with 210 words. | Get Quick Solution
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There are THREE parts to the assignment. Part one is a question and answer format with 100 words per answer and part two is a question and answer with 150 words per answer part three is essay with 210 words.

THREE parts MUST be completed!




Question and answer format.

100 words per answer

Discussion questions must be in your own words

Difference between descriptions and inferences?

What are Warranted and unwarranted Assumptions?

Describe Opinion vs. Reasoned Argument

Describe Facts vs. Opinions

Describe Cogent arguments

What are Analytical skills?

How can understanding the structure of an argument help create new ideas?

Explain the differences among an opinion, a preference, and a fact.


. Your response to each question should contain a minimum of 150 words.


210 words per bullet


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