Troy University Research Method In HSTM Paper Chapter 3B discusses the issue of ethics in research. This is an extremely important issue when designing a r

Troy University Research Method In HSTM Paper Chapter 3B discusses the issue of ethics in research. This is an extremely important issue when designing a research study, and poor ethical decisions in the past have heavily shaped research techniques today, including the institution of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at colleges and universities across the country. Read the two linked articles below concerning research studies and ethics.

Stanley Milgrim – Obedience to Authority (Links to an external site.) (right click and choose “open link in new tab”)

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Troy University Research Method In HSTM Paper Chapter 3B discusses the issue of ethics in research. This is an extremely important issue when designing a r
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Food Poisoning? (Links to an external site.)

The Milgirm experiment was quite famous; I remember discussing it when I took a class in college regarding the Holocaust. There was a lot of reform afterward, but it nevertheless did add quite a lot to the Psychology literature.

1.) What are your thoughts on these two experiments?
2.) Why is discussing ethics important when planning research?
3.) How can the unintended consequences of a research study affect people in real life?

**This one is just funny: Stanford Marshmallow Experiment (Links to an external site.).
Chapter 4 discusses sampling and generalizability.
How is generalizability affected by the sampling procedure used in a study? In other words, how do probability and nonprobability sampling techniques impact generalizability?
Why would a researcher want to increase sample size when sending out a survey instrument as a part of a study?


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