UNC Charlotte Global Environment Public Health Mission and Vision Statements Paper Review the following mission and vision statements: 1. Mission: To i

UNC Charlotte Global Environment Public Health Mission and Vision Statements Paper Review the following mission and vision statements:


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UNC Charlotte Global Environment Public Health Mission and Vision Statements Paper Review the following mission and vision statements: 1. Mission: To i
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Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care.

Vision: Provide the highest level of service in the county.


Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care.

Vision: Provide the broadest range of services in the county.


Mission: To be deeply committed to the communities we serve, we enhance population health and well-being.

Vision: Deliver an exceptional experience with every encounter.

Select the most appropriate mission and vision statement for the hospital described in your Week 1 assignment.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word executive summary in which you:

Identify the mission and vision selected.
Explain the rationale for why you selected the mission and vision statements.
Identify the specific strengths of the mission and vision statement selected.
Identify the weaknesses of the mission and vision statements not selected.
Explain how the mission and vision drive the strategic plan for the health care organization.

Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your summary.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


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