Unit 6: Core Assessment – Artwork Response Essay ROUGH DRAFT | Get Quick Solution

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Unit 6: Core Assessment – Artwork Response Essay ROUGH DRAFT | Get Quick Solution
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For this assignment, you will submit the progress you are making and a rough draft of your Artwork Response Essay. The purpose of this check-in is a precursor to the core assessment emphasizing the important of drafting and allowing an opportunity for instructor feedback.


  • Unit 1: Project instructions provided.
  • Unit 2: Identify and submit your planned visit and chosen artwork.
  • Unit 4: Museum visit complete; Tweet posted of experience.
  • Unit 6: Response Essay ROUGH DRAFT Due.
  • Unit 8: Response Essay Due.

Core Learning Objectives

  • CLO 1: Use the specialized vocabulary of art and design to describe, both orally and in writing, their responses to art they have directly experienced.
  • CLO 3: Critically respond to works of art, e.g. (Students will be able to not only know what they like but why.)
  • CLO 5: Experience art directly in available local museums, galleries and architectural sites as a basis for response and critique.


  1. Provide a short statement of the following information:
    1. What is the percentage of completion for your core assessment?
    2. What issues are you facing in completing this assessment?
  2. A draft of your Core Assessment – Artwork Response Essay needs to also be submitted. Use the following to help guide your draft.
    1. Artwork Response Essay information and expectations provided below.
    2. Use the rubric provided below to guide your draft. Rough draft point expectations, see below.

Due Date

  • Submit by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT.


Unit 6: Core Assessment Rough Draft Rubric

Unit 6: Core Assessment Rough Draft Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRough Draft Submission

25.0 pts


Rough draft requires a minimum of five (5) pages submitted in the template format. Submitted on time – 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT.

0.0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not submit on time. (11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT)

25.0 pts

Total Points: 25.0


This is the artwork that was chosen.


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