United States of America v. Apple Inc. | Get Quick Solution

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  • United States of America v. Apple Inc.

For the case you have selected, browse the judge’s order. I recognize the order is quite long, and you are not expected to read the whole order in its entirety. However, you should read the relevant sections (use the subheadings as your guide) to be able to thoughtfully answer the following questions in a 1 to 2 page essay. You may use additional outside resources, but you must cite the judge’s official ruling at least twice in support of the argument you make in your essay. If you use any outside resources, please cite those at the end of your essay.

1000 word (maximum) essay that addresses the following questions:

  • Who brought about the case (who was the plaintiff) and what was their claim with regard to antitrust violations? What did the plaintiff allege as the violation of antitrust law? Which of the four areas (monopolies, mergers, price-fixing, or anticompetitive practices) was the defendant accused of?
  • Do you believe the facts of the case support the plaintiff’s argument that the defendant violated federal antitrust laws or regulations? Why or why not?
  • Summarize the judge’s finding and rationale in 2-3 paragraphs. Does the public-interest theory or the private-interest theory better explain the outcome of the case? Explain. (In other words, does this ruling seem to support the American commitment to the principle of marketplace competition and the protection of the public interest or does it seem to benefit a private company or group by increasing its income or wealth at the expense of others?)
  • Finally, moving forward what are the implications of the ruling for other U.S. companies? How might this ruling impact or alter other companies’ operations in the future?



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