Using academic language, write 4 rehitorical precis from 4 different credible and scholar sources from your own research ABOUT IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES(one of the sources must be a reputable journal) | Get Quick Solution

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Using academic language, write 4 rehitorical precis from 4 different credible and scholar sources from your own research ABOUT IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES(one of the sources must be a reputable journal) | Get Quick Solution
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For this assignment:

  1. Write four rhetorical précis using the template provided below from 4 different credible and scholar sources from your own research about IMMIGRATION and IMMIGRANTS coming to the UNITED STATES (one of the sources must be a reputable journal).
  2. Responses to reading questions for each source. (Reading questions should be answered under each rhetorical precis).
  3. A Works Cited page for all four sources (In MLA Format).


Reading questions:

  • Using the CRAAP test, how sound is this source and why? (How do you know that it is a credible source)?
  • What do you find strong or especially agree with based on your current understanding and why?
  • What do you find weak, fallacious, or especially disagree with based on your current understanding and why?
  • Has your thinking about your chosen topic changed as a result of this source and why/why not?
  • How might you use this source in an essay you might write?


note: Please follow the directions carefully, because my professor checks for every single detail.

Provide links for every article and the one journal you’ll use so I can annotate them afterwards.

Below I also provided a precis sample so you can refer to it.


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