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Lesson 9

Violence, Aggression, and Final Project Presentations

Review the PowerPoint on Aggression


On-ground students: Discuss the information presented in the video. Topics to discuss: How has violence changed throughout history? Why do we think violence is so prevalent? Is aggression/violence always bad? If not, when is violence appropriate and/or justified?

Online students: Consider personally or discuss with a friend, family member, or colleague the information presented in the video. Topics to consider or discuss: How has violence changed throughout history? Why do we think violence is so prevalent? Is aggression/violence always bad? If not, when is violence appropriate and/or justified?

On a piece of paper, define hostile aggression, instrumental aggression, and relational aggression and then research the three terms to delineate the differences between them. You will need this information as you move on to the Task.

Throughout our time together in this course, we have discussed many social psychology terms that have hopefully been new to you.

On-ground students – please present your final project PowerPoint presentations to the class.

Online students – you will create a narrated PowerPoint using either the built-in recording feature in PowerPoint or by using your phone, video camera, web cam, or other recording hardware to record yourself presenting the material.

Instructions for the PowerPoint presentation:

Create a PowerPoint presentation, making one slide for each term listed on the final project assignment sheet and discuss which character or situation from your final project film can best be associated with this term and why. You should have 18 slides total – one title slide and one slide for each term.


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