Wall Street Journal and/or The Economist (500 word minimum) | Browse Homework Help

While students are studying a given chapter, they should also be reading the Wall Street

Journal and/or The Economist (WSJ/TE, obtained via the Internet) looking for articles that relate to

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Wall Street Journal and/or The Economist (500 word minimum) | Browse Homework Help
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the chapter material. For each chapter, students have the opportunity to write a minimum of 500 word

short essay relating a WSJ/TE article to the chapter.

Students will be evaluated based on ALL of the following:

? How well the chapter was summarized.

? How well the article was summarized, and

? How well the student related the two. Simply paraphrasing the article is not acceptable.

Carefully follow the instructions below:

? Students should begin by providing the URL to the article found on the Internet.

? The articles should come from issues between the first day of the semester and the due date for


? Each paragraph should be written single space but there should be at least one blank line

separating the paragraphs.


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