What changes in cardiac output , blood pressure | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

1. a hypothetical drug is administered which dilates blood vessels in the periphery (decreasing resistance) without directly affecting other tissues. Which of the following will occur as a consequence of administering this drug?

a. an increase in blood pressure and an increase in cardiac output
b. an increase in blood pressure and decrease in cardiac output
c. a decrease in blood pressure and increase in cardiac output
d. a decrease in blood pressure and decrease in cardiac output

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2. Another hypothetical drug decrease heart rate without directly affecting any other cardiovascular parameter has been injected into a group of rats. what changes in cardiac output (CO), blood pressure (MAP) and resistance (TPR) would be expected?

a. decreased CO, increased MAP, increased TPR
b. increased CO, increased MAP, decreased TPR
c. increased CO, decreased MAP, decreased TPR
d. decreased CO, decreased MAP, increased TPR


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