What colors are the butterflies | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

1. Record the numbers of red and yellow parents in the General Conditions box.

2. What colors are the flowers? Do the colors you see correspond to those selected in Box 1 of the Settings panel at the top of the simulation? Explain.
3. What colors are the butterflies?
4. List the genotypes of each color butterfly Use CR for the red allele and CY for the yellow allele. (Remember that there are two alleles in every genotype.)
A. Yellow Butterfly Genotype:
B. Red Butterfly Genotype:
C. Orange Butterfly Genotype:
5. If you see colors other than the red and yellow that you started with, explain where the aIDitional colors came from. (Hint: Use a Punnett square for each potential set of parents to help you answer this question.)
6. Pick and count all of the butterflies of one color. Does your count match the amount listed in the Results panel at the bottom of the simulation?
7. Do the different-colored butterflies show any preferences for the flowers? For example, do red butterflies perch only on red flowers?
8. Describe what happened to the clusters of red flowers.
9. Did you observe any changes to the other clusters of flowers? Explain.
10. Was there any change in the butterflies?
11. What happened to the orange and yellow flowers?
12. Can you turn the blue flowers off?
13. Did the butterflies change?

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