What do we mean by “root causes” of migration? Drawing on the lesson content and the readings, how might the consideration of root causes influence or shift the ways that immigration law and policy are formed and implemented? | Get Quick Solution

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What do we mean by “root causes” of migration? Drawing on the lesson content and the readings, how might the consideration of root causes influence or shift the ways that immigration law and policy are formed and implemented? | Get Quick Solution
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What do we mean by “root causes” of migration? Drawing on the lesson content and the readings, how might the consideration of root causes influence or shift the ways that immigration law and policy are formed and implemented?

Students will a) respond to the discussion prompt with one original response (250-350 words) and b) also respond to at least one original post from another student in a substantive manner (100-150 words). By substantive, I mean more than “I agree” or “that’s interesting.” I want you to elaborate: what do you agree with, and why? What specifically is interesting, and why do you think that?

Out of the 25 points possible for each Discussion, the original post is worth a total of 15 points, and the response is worth a total of 10 points.


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