What is Oppression and do you understand the cycle of oppression ? We are socialized to see system of oppression as normal, is that true ? How does Oppression operates at multiple levels 1) Individual, 2) Institutional and 3) Societal/ Cultural? | Get Quick Solution

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What is Oppression and do you understand the cycle of oppression ? We are socialized to see system of oppression as normal, is that true ? How does Oppression operates at multiple levels 1) Individual, 2) Institutional and 3) Societal/ Cultural? | Get Quick Solution
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Journals should be approximately 3-4 pages, typed, double-spaced, with citations as appropriate.


Each journal focused on critical reflection must include your reactions/responses/reflections on a selected topic from the course contents (e.g., meaning of difference, cultural humility, race, etc.). In addition, you should integrate course readings and class activities (e.g., lecture, class discussion, videos, etc.) in your reactions/responses/reflections.

Please follow the prompts below:

  • Briefly, in one or two paragraphs, describe the initial incident.
    • For example: is your reflection based on an experience in class? From your past? An interaction you witnessed or participated in ?If the connection is unclear, please explain how this initial incident links to the course contents.
  • What was your immediate reaction to the selected topic/assigned readings/class activities? Has your reaction changed? If so, how?
  • What do you think influenced your immediate reaction? How might your reaction been different from others connected to the initial incident?
    • For example: can you connect your reaction to previous personal or professional experiences? Family or cultural heritage? Societal messages? Prejudices, biases or lack of knowledge/exposure?
  • Is there anything you have newly learned in relation to the selected topic? If so, how would or did this affect your perspectives/beliefs/value, etc. toward the selected topic? (FOCUS)
  • What strengths/limitations would you identify for yourself, based on your reflections and how might these strengths/limitations affect your social work practice? How would you strengthen or improve the identified strengths/limitations as it relates to your profession as a social worker? (FOCUS)

Because the focus of the critical reflection journals may encompass a wide array of experiences students are encouraged to expand or modify the prompts above to accommodate their learning. Should any journal entry deviate markedly from the format above, please consider seeking the input of the course instructor.


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