What is the force being applied by the waiter a | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

A waiter holds two plates of food in one hand. His forearm has a mass of 2.2 kg and the center of mass of his forearm is located 13 cm from his elbow joint. The center mass of the two plates is located 37cm from his elbow joint and the total mass of the two plates is 1.1 kg. His Bicep is attached to the bones of his forearm 3.5 cm from his elbow joint.
If the waiter has an argument with the sous-chef over his paycheck and proceeds to throw the plates of food he is carrying straight up into the air. If the plates are accelerating at a rate of 2.5 m/s2, and the center of mass of his arm is

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A waiter holds two plates of food in one hand. His forearm has a mass of 2.2 kg and the center of mass of his forearm is located 13 cm from his elbow joint. The center mass of the two plates is located 37cm from his elbow joint and the total mass of the two plates is 1.1 kg. His Bicep is attached to the bones of his forearm 3.5 cm from his elbow joint.

If the waiter has an argument with the sous-chef over his paycheck and proceeds to throw the plates of food he is carrying straight up into the air. If the plates are accelerating at a rate of 2.5 m/s2, and the center of mass of his arm is accelerating upwards at 0.9 m/s2 what is the force being applied by the waiterA??1s bicep? (Assume that the waiterA????1s forearm also accelerates up wards at the same rate).


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