What organizations safeguard health policies? List at least two organizations and a policy they safeguard. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Technology has proven effectiveness in speed of information transmission, which leads to prompt healthcare service delivery, prompt treatment of illnesses and better health outcomes. Policies drive the success of health technology through practice standardization. However, cost, safety and security, ethics, and legality have all been target areas of health technology policies. In a minimum of 250 words, discuss the following:

  • Define health technology policy.
  • What are some key terms in health information technology? List and define two.
  • What organizations safeguard health policies? List at least two organizations and a policy they safeguard.
  • Provide a brief description of the U.S. Food Drug Administration’s (FDA) role in health policy.

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. A substantive response is respectful, professional, unique, highlights the key points you have learned, aIDs your content knowledge,

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What organizations safeguard health policies? List at least two organizations and a policy they safeguard. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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