Which of these initiatives do you consider most significant? Explain your answer. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

These are two questions that need to be answered seperately. Do not need a tittle or reference page. Please include referenced after each answer. Price is non negotiable, so please do not ask for a handshake if you want more money or do not have good reviews.

1. Locate the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology found on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ website.

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Which of these initiatives do you consider most significant? Explain your answer. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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Identify and describe at least three initiatives that have been taken by the Office of the National Coordinator to promote the nationwide exchange of health data.  How will these initiatives contribute to improved quality, safety, and efficiency of health care?  Which of these initiatives do you consider most significant? Explain your answer.

2.The use of technology has become a major driving force in the delivery of health care services, as well as an area of economic and ethical concern. What is the relationship between technology, health care, and ethics?  Can technology have both a positive and a negative impact for health care providers and other stakeholders, such as patients?  Has technology changed the role of the health care administrator? Explain your answer.

minimum of 250 words and APA format.


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