Why is he ,and the Jewish community he represents, so uncomfortable with the presence of the new religious school( Yeshiva) in the neighborhood? | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Read Philip Roth’s short story “Eli the Fanatic” in the collection Goodbye Columbus and integrate your answers in a well focused, well supported and well organized essay on this topic.

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Why is he ,and the Jewish community he represents, so uncomfortable with the presence of the new religious school( Yeshiva) in the neighborhood? | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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Eli’s  inner conflict an the causes. In writing your analysis, consider/include the following points:

  1. Why is he ,and the Jewish community he represents,  so uncomfortable with the presence of  the new religious school( Yeshiva) in the neighborhood?
  1. What appeals to Eli about the American way of life and the Jews’ freedom and yet why isn’t he satisfied with this and his own position as a respected lawyer?
  1. How do you think the fact that he is about to become a father influence the choices he makes during the story, especially the one on the way to the hospital when his wife is giving birth to his first child?( Here you should include some of the other major choices he makes


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