Why is innovation important to healthcare management? For this exercise, you will enurture foresight. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Why is innovation important to healthcare management? For this exercise, you will nurture foresight. Visualize developments and their possible impact on the organization, perhaps even before they become inventions, trends, or actual concerns.
Go to the following website:
Source: National Institute for Healthcare Management. http://www.nihcm.org/
Select a featured publication of interest to you. Based on the publication that you review, and to prepare your organization for the change(s) that you foresee, write a paper of 750 to 1000-words to respond to the following:

1. Describe the publication and the issue(s) that it presents.
2. After reviewing the article, identify the type of health care organization that you would like to work for in the future and explain the implications of this issue to that organization and to at least two groups of its stakeholders.
3. What are some of the questions that you would need to ask, resources you might need to access, or actions you would take to prepare your organization for change or to exploit opportunities?
4. Respond to two of the following questions: a. Do you see changes arising from this situation to be a boon to patients? Why or why not?
b. Do you think that government will create regulation relating to this topic that you will need to comply with?
c. Do you see this issue as having the potential to result in a possible new profit center for your facility?

Your writing should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.) and it should be logical, original, and insightful. Finally, ensure that your paper conforms to APA Style, including in-text citations and a reference page.
• Responses to the questions should be written in a clear, detailed manner and observe the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
• Double-spaced, Times New Roman font. 

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Why is innovation important to healthcare management? For this exercise, you will enurture foresight. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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