Will natural selection starting from the genotype counts | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

The hemoglobin beta locus has a second variant besides hemoglobin beta S, called hemoglobin beta C. A survey turned up the following genotype frequencies for the A and C alleles.
Genotype counts: 25,374 12,737 108
A) Estimate the fitness of each genotype using the same technique we used for the a vs. S polymorphism
in class. Standardize the fitnesses so that the relative fitness of AA is 1.
B) Draw crude graphs of ?p and of w bar as functions of p, the frequency of allele 1. (You can do this by hand, or use Populus, or a spreadsheet for this).
C) Where (exactly) are the equilibria for this fitness array?
D) Which are stable?
E) What is your prediction about future changes in allele frequency at this locus?
F) Will natural selection starting from the genotype counts shown take the population to the highest

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