you will analyze it’s argument and effectiveness when looking at two different audiences | Get Quick Solution

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you will analyze it’s argument and effectiveness when looking at two different audiences | Get Quick Solution
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Paper 2 looks at an article in context. Specifically, it looks at how different audiences can change the perceived meaning of a text. You will read “The Art of Branding a Condition” ( (Links to an external site.)), and you will analyze it’s argument and effectiveness when looking at two different audiences. First, look at the argument as if the intended audience were pharmaceutical companies. What is the author trying to convey to his audience? How well does he make his argument? Summarize through the Toulmin Method and analyze for rhetorical effectiveness. Secondly, look at the article as if its intended audience were the people that the pharmaceutical companies are selling products to. Does the argument change? If so, what is the new argument and how is it created through context? If not, why not? Is the new argument effective? You the Toulmin Method and analyze.

Lastly, compare the rhetorical effectiveness of the two arguments. Which one is more effective/persuasive? What makes one better than the other?

If you’re still struggling with how to analyze, the “Analysis Worksheet,” the “Fallacies Worksheet,” and the “Extra Credit Worksheet” are all here to help. You can also set up office hours with me during the week to go over either the article or what you’ve written so far to see what I would suggest improving.

This paper requires:

7 to 8 pages

MLA format


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